
The golf greens of scotland

this collection is inspired by the combined work of the Artist John Smart and the eminent engraver George Aikman.

John Smart knew the value of these prints, selling his lithographs only from his private address in Edinburgh in a limited and numbered edition. Nowadays their extreme rarity makes them a favourite in auction houses and elevates them to esteemed status in the eyes of many; players, historians or newcomers to the culture. As publishers we pay homage to their pioneering observations and to the high quality of their work. The two men embarked on a nationwide tour to capture the iconic imagery of Scotland’s premier courses. Sadly not all of these courses survive today, a fact which renders the collection of significant cultural and historical value.

Both men were keen players of the game and it is likely that they held membership of the Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society in the late 1870’s, whilst Smart was also a member of the Gullane course. His finely drawn observations of the other twenty courses would seem to indicate that he was also a member of several other clubs. This was certainly the tradition at the time. The artists pay great attention to detail as well as maintaining a warm and humorous portrayal of the great game.

Smart and Aikman were educated in Edinburgh, at Leith High and the Royal High respectively, and in addition to their affiliation with various golfing societies both men were Associates of the Royal Scottish Academy.

By fastidiously documenting these courses Aikman and Smart have provided us with a unique perspective on a culture and sport which is both cemented in tradition and in a state of continuous evolution. Whilst we may have lost some of the courses they visited, these pieces present us with treasured images which will outlast any such physical change. In our modern edition the skills of hand-colourist, David Anderson, have been used to great effect, breathing new life into the originals, resulting in a truly unique and inspired collection.

The artist was John Smart, Royal Scottish Academy, Royal Scottish Watercolour Society.

The engraver was George Aikman, Royal Scottish Academy.

The paintings were completed in 1893.

John Smart

16 October 1838 – 1 June 1899

George Aikman

20 May 1830 - 8 January 1905