
from £35.00

Size: A5 with 1 inch border.

Gullane Golf Club, established in 1882, offers championship quality links courses with dramatic views across the Firth of Forth to Edinburgh, Fife and to the south.

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Size: A5 with 1 inch border.

Gullane Golf Club, established in 1882, offers championship quality links courses with dramatic views across the Firth of Forth to Edinburgh, Fife and to the south.

Size: A5 with 1 inch border.

Gullane Golf Club, established in 1882, offers championship quality links courses with dramatic views across the Firth of Forth to Edinburgh, Fife and to the south.

The three courses do not have names but simply numbers, which reflect their age. The Club has a history of hosting international Championship events and the No. 1 course is an Open Championship Qualifying Course. However golf has been played on Gullane links for over 300 years.

As far back as 1650, the weavers of Dirleton played the weavers of Aberlady annually on Old Handsel Monday. However there was no organised club until the early 1800’s, when a number of local farmers banded together to play golf. This club became defunct around 1848 but it was resuscitated in 1859 and, as the East Lothian Golf Club, still plays today at Gullane. Dirleton Castle Golf Club, which was founded in 1854 by the shopkeepers and artisans of Dirleton and Gullane, is the oldest Club in continuous existence playing on Gullane links.

In 1882 eight gentlemen of Gullane met and resolved to form a club under the name of The Gullane Golf Club in order to keep the links in good order. It was agreed to issue a circular to those golfers who were in the habit of playing over the links, with a view to inducing them to become members. 32 names were given as members and by 1883 membership numbers were 125. Membership numbers in 2007 were just over 1,000.

In terms of the ages of the courses Gullane No. 1 was established in 1884 and the well maintained greens, links grasses, numerous bunkers and sea breezes makes a unique challenge for the serious golfer. Gullane No. 2 was laid out in 1898 and one feature of the course is its excellent short holes, particularly the 11th with its magnificent view and tricky club selection. Gullane No. 3 was completed in 1910 and will test even the most experienced golfer’s ability at accurate shot making and truly is a gem. Willie Park Jr designed them both.